But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Here we are, eight days into the forty day celebration of Christmas, and one day into 2021 and the celebration of our one-hundredth anniversary as a parish. Celebration is what it is all about. Some people might find that trite. With so much suffering and evil in the world, how can you talk about celebrating? Do you remember that line from the beginning of Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town, the businessman saying, “How can they talk about Christmas when there is so much unhappiness in the world?” We could certainly focus on the bad and let that be our motivating force, but why, when we have so much to celebrate? Why, when we hold the greatest gift of all time? Our celebration is founded on the most important event in history – the incarnation of God as man in Jesus. God has come among us, to dwell with us and to remain with us. God gave His all as sacrifice and atonement for our sins, to free us. God remains among us to lead and inspire us, and to build up His Holy Church, His beacon of light in the world and right here in Schenectady. We therefore have every right and duty to celebrate. You see, it is not that we ignore the bad, the suffering, and the pain around us, but that we have the answer and antidote to it – Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We have the hands, minds, and hearts to address it. It is why we were organized one hundred years ago and why we continue to work today, as church right here in Schenectady. So, brothers and sisters, celebrate this day and every day, give thanks to God for His gifts, and be His light into the future.

Welcome to the new year and our new newsletter.

We start by kicking-off the celebration of our 100th Anniversary as a parish, here in Schenectady. Read some of the history. We also start another year focused on Discipleship. Join us for an upcoming virtual discipleship retreat. We take this opportunity to express thanks to so many for their hard work and awesome generosity over the past year. See our new Writer’s Corner featuring a poem by Francine Farina published for the first time. Want to share something? Send it our way.

Check out all this and more including our schedule for the remaining days of the forty day Christmas season. All here in our January 2021 Newsletter.

“…you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” 

Matthew 1:21

I AM, Savior, Redeemer, Christ, Lord, Master, Messiah, Logos (the Word), Son of God, Son of man, Son of David, Lamb of God, New Adam, Light of the World, Bread of Life, King of the Jews, Rabboni or Rabbi, Teacher, Chosen One, High Priest, Way, Truth, and Life, Prophet, Priest and King, Gate, Gatekeeper, Emmanuel, Almighty, Alpha and Omega, Bridegroom, Cornerstone, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, True God, Good Shepherd, Head of the Church, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Morning Star, Our Righteousness, Resurrection and Life, Root of David, Rock, True Vine, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Refuge of sinners, All.

Today we begin the celebration of one-hundred years of faithful service here in Schenectady. For one-hundred years the people of this parish have carried the Holy Name of Jesus before them in song, prayer, and praise. For one-hundred years we have fallen on our knees before the Holy Name of Jesus and bowed at the mention of His Holy Name.

In good and bad times, in celebration, baptisms, weddings, and anniversaries; in war, poverty, social discord, sickness, and death the Holy Name of Jesus has been on our lips and in our hearts.

All of those names of Jesus listed have comforted, consoled, taught, and strengthened us. When we faced confusion, He was the Way, Truth, and Life. When we sought knowledge, He was our Wonderful Counselor, Teacher, and Rabbi. When we evangelized, He opened the Gate to those who listened. When we saw the mighty hand of God at work among us in healings, He was Mighty God and Good Physician. When we felt lost, He was Good Shepherd, Light, and Rock. When there was conflict, He was Prince of Peace. When we worshiped, He was the Word, High Priest, and Bread of Life. He is all that today and more. He will be that in the next moment and forever.

We, His people, here in Schenectady, have the privilege to bear His Holy Name within our community and before the world. We have the obligation to assume, in different ways and through varied ministries, Jesus’ Holy Name by carrying it to the lost, the poor, the sick – to all who do not know the Holy Name but deep in their hearts are called to know, love, and serve Him. We have the obligation by the blessings we have received, and continue to receive, through our calling on the Holy Name of Jesus to let others know that they may call upon Him.

Looking through the history of this parish, from the first five hundred individuals who founded this place to all who have been touched by this holy endeavor, we see a list of those who stood fast in Jesus and found in Him all that they needed.

Indeed, the Holy Name of Jesus is powerful to save and so in this year let us celebrate and recommit ourselves to lifting high the Holy Name of Jesus. Let us set to work in making Him known. In doing so, in honoring and respecting the power of His Name, we will continue to be abundantly blessed.

May the Holy Name of Jesus be praised! Now and forevermore.

Here there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scyth’ian, slave, free man, but Christ is all, and in all. 

Colossians 3:11 

Welcome on this Solemnity of the Circumcision and the start of our one-hundredth year of service here in Schenectady, New York.

The Solemnity of the Circumcision, noted for the shortest gospel reading, one verse, Luke 2:21 and particularly noted for its importance in understanding who Jesus is – the fulness of His reality.

Unfortunately, many Churches have gotten away from this Solemnity. They’ve locked it far away, in some attic or basement. Not really sure why. In the early Church this was considered a great feast. Artists interpreted it in various ways through the centuries in painting and murals. But suddenly, it is mostly gone.

I suppose that in the last fifty to sixty years people have stored this feast way due to the yuck factor. Who wants to talk about Jesus that way, circumcision, penises, foreskins, blood. Yet by locking away this celebration people, and Churches, miss out on connecting to the reality of Jesus.

Consider the words of St. Paul, Christ is all. Let those words linger. Think on them, and see what they convey. Christ is all. Jesus, true God deigned to come down among us and to fully take on our humanity without surrendering His Divinity. Christ is all. Today we might say things like Jesus is awesome, Jesus is wonderful, Jesus is super, He is the most, and it is great to praise Him in those ways, yet the words Christ is all bear greater weight. They convey the fullness of His reality, His being.

In the fullness of His eternal reality and union with the Father and Holy Spirit, Christ is all. In His humanity Christ is all. Jesus did not come among us with conditions. He did not tell the Father, I’ll go, but… I’ll go, but no pain – He did not say that. I’ll go, but no circumcision – He did not say that. I’ll go, but no hunger and give me a comfy bed – He did not say that. Look at the manger – that is His truth.

Jesus came fully God, fully human. On this day He showed forth His humanity in this suffering and by doing so acknowledged His human nature as a true son of Abraham and David. We cannot set that aside or gloss it over. Similarly we cannot set aside or reject His Divinity. To do either is to denigrate who Jesus is and to rob ourselves of understanding.

By His coming, by all He encountered and endured in His humanity, Jesus lifted humanity to heaven. In His Divinity He broke down artificial barriers and as St. Paul so keenly observed, He removed distinction.

There is no more Jew or Greek (AKA gentile). No more circumcision or uncircumcision – it DOES NOT MATTER. What we are now is Christ in the world. Jesus is in us no matter our state or status in life. You are a barbarian – no problem – Jesus is for you. You poor, rich, married, unmarried, man, woman, menial worker or executive – those differences are of no account. Do not allow yourself to be labeled for Christ has removed those things.

In our one hundredth year here in Schenectady we celebrate this message – that this place is for all. Christ is for you without condition. The One Who is all came for you. Accepting Him He is in you without distinction. Christ is all – and has come specifically for each and every one of us. Come, be lifted to heaven bearing His Holy Name.

This week’s memory verse: Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.

2 Timothy 2:21
  • 12/27 – 1 Thessalonians 5:23
  • 12/28 – John 17:17
  • 12/29 – 2 Thessalonians 2:13
  • 12/30 – Hebrews 10:14
  • 12/31 – 1 Corinthians 6:11
  • 1/1 – Romans 6:6
  • 1/2 – Philippians 1:6

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, by Your great grace draw me closer into union with You. Help me to be like unto You in love, holiness, and service.


But when the kindness and love of God our Savior was revealed, He saved us. It was not because of any good deeds that we ourselves had done, but because of His own mercy

Much in the realm of Theology has been written about elevation, the ability we have, because of Jesus, God among us, to approach God and to become like Him.

In Orthodox Theology, this process is called Theosis (also referred to as deification, or divinization, or illumination). It is in essence the transformative process by which we grow into likeness to, or union with, God. Human beings – that’s us – can have real union with God and become like God in the way we love as well as in our holiness. 

Our goal is to become perfect in our love, to love as God does, through His grace and the awesomeness of His redemption. We might also call this sanctification – a process of growing godward.

In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis wrote: 

He will make the feeblest and filthiest of us into a god or goddess, dazzling, radiant, immortal creatures, pulsating all through with such energy and joy and wisdom and love as we cannot now imagine…

St. Paul, writing to Titus, goes on to say: God poured out the Holy Spirit abundantly on us through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that by his grace we might be put right with God and come into possession of the eternal life we hope for.

Today we encounter the feeble and filthy – the Humble Shepherds stationed out in the field. Like us, God poured out His grace upon them, revealing to them this opportunity to not only go and see, but more so to become, to be elevated.

As with us, they had the choice. Literally, chill in the field or go and see. By trusting God and going, by saying yes, they came to see and understand.

Those Humble Shepherds were elevated. They became dazzling, radiant, immortal creatures, pulsating with energy, joy, wisdom and love. What a great model to follow.

We have been called, and I also offer a special word in this moment to all those called in a special way to be priests and deacons of our Holy Church. Each of us must decide whether we will go and see. If we say yes, we will see and understand. Having seen and understood, we will become dazzling, radiant, immortal creatures, pulsating with energy, joy, wisdom and love.

I want that. Do you want that?

God’s grace and mercy are such that this opportunity is ever present. Elevation, illumination, becoming like unto God is a chance awaiting our yes. Let us pick it up and move forward with energy, joy, wisdom and love just as those Humble Shepherds did.

The following is our schedule of Holy Masses and special blessings throughout the forty days of Christmas.

  • Wednesday, December 23: Rorate Holy Mass at 7:30am.
  • Friday, December 25: Shepherd’s Solemn High Holy Mass/Pasterka at midnight
  • Friday, December 25: Holy Mass of Christmas Day at 10am.
  • Sunday, December 27: Solemnity of the Humble Shepherds. Also St. John, Apostle & Evangelist. Holy Mass with Blessing of Wine (bring a bottle or two to be blessed) at 10am.
  • Friday, January 1: Solemnity of the Circumcision. Holy Mass at 10am.
  • Saturday, January 2: Solemnity of the Holy Name of Jesus – Holy Mass at 10am. Start of our 100th Anniversary Celebrations.
  • Sunday, January 3: Feast of the Holy Family. Holy Mass at 10am.
  • Wednesday, January 6: Solemnity of the Epiphany of our Lord. Holy Mass at 7pm includes blessing of chalk, charcoal, and incense.
  • Sunday, January 10: Solemnity – Baptism of our Lord. Holy Mass at 10am.
  • Tuesday, February 2: Solemnity – Presentation of our Lord. Holy Mass at 7pm includes blessing of candles/gromnica.

This week’s memory verse: Let all that you do be done in love.

1 Corinthians 16:14
  • 12/20 – John 3:16
  • 12/21 – 1 John 4:8
  • 12/22 – 1 John 4:19
  • 12/23 – 1 John 4:7
  • 12/24 – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
  • 12/25 – John 15:12
  • 12/26 – 1 John 3:18

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, as we draw close and celebrate Your birth, grant that we may ever bear the love You showed us toward all we encounter.


Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”

In the first three weeks of Advent we focused on hope, peace, and joy and how those key elements of God’s Kingdom life must be shown in our lives and conveyed by us who are His people, the brothers and sisters of His Divine Son, Jesus.

Our kingdom tasks – what we are to convey – is:

  • An offer of hope to those we encounter;
  • To be peace in the midst of the communities we are involved in – our neighborhoods, workplaces, social groups, and families; and
  • To be promoters and bringers of joy, bearers of a joyous message – Jesus has saved us and is available to each and every person. Come meet Him.

In this final week of Advent (lasting less than a full week), we focus on our responsibility to love.

The Alan Jackson’s song, ‘I Need A Love Like That,’ as certain songs do, conveys what we seek, our need for a love that surpasses time and space, a love that takes hold of us, completes us, and makes us whole. We all need a love like that.

God understands that need, for He Himself is love. So, God determined to act and give His all, His very Son to us. He carried out His plan to show us the immensity of His love by engaging people who would respond in love. We know their names: Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, Zachariah, Simeon, Anna, and John. We know their occupations: shepherds and Maji, Levites and prophets.

By the giving of God’s greatest gift, and our acceptance of that gift, we follow in the footsteps of love. We become bearers of the central element of God’s Kingdom – love. 

As with those who responded to God’s plan with love, we respond in love. We show forth the all-encompassing love that surpasses time and space. We bear that love which has taken hold of us, that has completed us, and that has made us whole.

Indeed, God has engaged us because He knows we are people who will respond in love. We know our responsibility is to love and by love to draw people to Jesus. 

Our names inscribed in the Book of Life are known to God. Our professions, whether accountants, civil servants, service workers, business owners, healthcare workers, or even priests give us the opportunity to show love. Our times and circumstances allow us to hear those who say, ‘I need love’ and answer with Jesus, the love that will take hold of, complete, and make them whole.

This week’s memory verse: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.

Philippians 4:4
  • 12/13 – Galatians 5:22
  • 12/14 – John 16:24
  • 12/15 – Psalm 16:11
  • 12/16 – Romans 14:17
  • 12/17 – John 15:11
  • 12/18 – Psalm 118:24
  • 12/19 – Nehemiah 8:10

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, Your coming has filled me with joy. The Holy Spirit, gift of the Father, moves me to rejoice each day. Grant that I may bear Your joy and the Spirit’s rejoicing each day of my life.


Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit.

In the first week of Advent, we focused on hope; our very own kingdom task of offering hope to those we encounter. In the second week of Advent we focused on peace, both personal peace and being peace to those we encounter.

In this third week of Advent we focus on joy and rejoicing. Rejoice, the Lord is near! In reflecting on joy and rejoicing we recognize that we are asked to be bringers of joy and rejoicing. St. Paul also instructs us – Do not quench the Spirit. 

Something that rang true for most of us last week was recalling the difference between someone who walks into a room and, well, removes all peace and the person who walks in and we say, ahhhh, I feel at ease now.

Now imagine another person walks in, on fire with the Spirit. They open our eyes to possibilities and fill us with a share of that same Spirit. We feel uplifted, energized, filled with joy, and are ready to go forward with rejoicing. On the other hand, imagine that other person walking in – the quencher, the negative person who sees no joy, who refuses to allow the inspiration of the Sprit in, and wants to ensure no one else does either.

As the faithful we must be careful to be promoters and bringers of joy, to recognize where the Spirit in moving amongst us, where God is among us. Where – Emmanuel – is acting to move us forward.

Indeed, we are bearers of a joyous message – Jesus has saved us and is available to each and every person. The Holy Spirit has infused us with life and His great gifts of praise, song, wisdom, and voices that along with John can proclaim, â€œI am the voice of one crying out in the desert, ‘make straight the way of the Lord,’”

What a wonderful message of joyous anticipation – the very heart of Advent, Jesus is near, He is ready to meet you as He has met me. Proclaim that the Spirit is in us and work to bear God’s joy by making the Lord’s way straight, by filling in where people are low and easing the jagged edges in the lives of those we know.

John was confronted by the joy removers, the naysayers, the quenchers. John bore a message of joy, the forgiveness of sin and the opportunity, soon upon the people around him, to meet the Savior, the Messiah Who now lives among us. John’s joy filled message in response to the Pharisees and Levites still rings true – in our age perhaps even more than in the Israel of John’s time – “there is one among you whom you do not recognize.” Wake up and recognize Him. Meet Him and be filled with joy.

To have the fulness of joy, to look forward, no matter what is going on about us, with joy, is to have Jesus alive in us, the Holy Spirit moving within us, and to share the message – Rejoice!