Attention Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts and Brownies

PNCC Scouting

The Polish National Catholic Church has an active Scouting program and the Church’s youth and adults may earn awards as follows:

pncc_love pncc_country God and Community Award pncc_bishop

  • Cub Scouts and Brownies: Love of God – The Love of God Emblem program is for Cub Scouts and Brownies in Grades 2 through 5.
  • Boy Scouts: God and Country – The God and Country Program is for Scouts from the age of 11 to 21 and focuses on Christian spirit and faith, fellowship, church participation and fellowship, church service and Christianity in action.
  • Girl Scouts: God and Community
  • Adult Members: Bishop Thaddeus F. Zielinski Award

For more information and detailed award program requirements please contact:

Polish National Catholic Church Committee on Scouting
Mr. Richard Daum
11 Everette Place
Wayne, NJ 07470

Girl Scout Camp Open House

A Girl Scout camp open house will take place on Saturday, October 26th from 9:30am till 12:30pm at Camp Woodhaven in Galway, New York. For more information and directions, please contact the Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York by E-mail.

GS OpenHouse

Reflection for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Youth Sunday, and Labor Day


A call to be

I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.

Today we celebrate a call to be changed, to offer ourselves to God in all we do, and in doing so to make His kingdom a reality.

How will we make this change real? How will we respond and get to work? What will we do to be transformed into people completely focused on carrying out God’s will for humanity?

Our Holy Church has designated this Sunday as Youth Sunday. Our youth will be returning to school. They will study and grow in knowledge so that they may take their place in society, contributing their work and effort – but to what end?

If their studies are self-focused, if they are taken up without due consideration of God’s call to be changed and to change the world, they will only make their lives small and self-serving. They may achieve earthly success, but in the process lose their souls. If however, their study and growth remain focused on God’s call to change and affect change in accord with His call, their lives will be glorious and complete. They will use what they have gained to come into union with God and to carry out His will. We must help them by our example, prayer, and support. Our duty is to continually assist them in realizing that everything they learn and do is a gift from God and requires a response to His call to change.

This weekend we also celebrate Labor Day. Our work and labor must also been seen in light of the call to be changed and change the world. Paraphrasing our organizer, Bishop Hodur: ‘The time will come when our heroes emerging from the homes of farmers and laborers will sweat and sacrifice not for kings or the rights of the privileged or a single class, but will battle and work for freedom and the rights of man. Let us gather and strive to be first in good and last in wrong. Then shall we bring ourselves, our nation, and the whole world closer to happiness and salvation.’

We are thus called to change ourselves and the world, to transform life away from the money-driven values of this world to the bringing of the kingdom of God.

We are called to make change real in the lives of our youth and in our lives. This is true worship: “offer your bodies as a living sacrifice” Do not live the status quo. It is not enough! Jesus put His body on the line for us. So we must put our lives on the line, changing them for Him and working for the coming of His kingdom.

August 2014 Issue of God’s Field


The latest issue of God’s Field is now available online. This edition features reports on summer’s youth events with tons of pictures of our parish youth who participated in Kurs and CONVO. Our music scholarship winners are also prominently noted. Congratulations Christina and Victoria. Check updates and information about the Church’s upcoming Holy Synod.

Articles for the September issue are being accepted now through September 1, 2014. You may E-mail items and photos or send them to:

God’s Field
Polish National Catholic Church
1006 Pittston Avenue
Scranton, PA 18505

July/August 2014 Newsletter – What’s Happening Tomorrow…?

July 1st and our newsletter is here on-time once again. It is just before midnight, so we barely made it.

July offers us the opportunity to think of the days of relaxation ahead and how Jesus fits in with those days. Summer is also filled with many Solemnities, Feasts, and Commemorations of particular importance. Read all about them. We consider our response to a neighborhood tragedy and pray for our youth and graduates. We invite you to remain in the Lord this summer, right here in Schenectady, and wherever you travel. You may view and download a copy right here — July/August 2014 Newsletter.


Outrageous Valentine’s Raffle Supports Youth Programs

Make February 2014 – the month of love – a month to win in more ways than one!

The Outrageous Valentine’s Raffle

2014, will be a big year for the youth of our Church and our parish. This summer we will once again be sending our young people to the annual KURS summer encampment and to CONVO 2014 at Heidelberg University in Tiffin, Ohio from July 21st through 25th. The 2014 CONVO theme is “In the beginning….”

We need your support to give our young people a great beginning in 2014. To start them off right we are holding a month long Outrageous Valentine’s Raffle this coming February to support our youth. Each raffle ticket gives the purchaser a chance to win up to $1,180. The Outrageous Valentine’s Raffle will include drawings for $40 daily prizes and a $100 daily prize on Valentine’s Day. The raffle is drawn each day of the month, giving the ticket holder 28 chances to win! Winners are returned to the raffle bucket, making them eligible to win again and again. Your support will help cover our young people’s summer expenses with the ultimate goal of paying their way completely.

Tickets cost only $10 each. Feel free to contact Deacon Jim at 518-372-1992, Stephanie Dominy at 518-369-1346, or any parish member to purchase a ticket.

We thank you for your support of Youth Ministry and the School of Christian Living at Holy Name of Jesus parish in Schenectady and wish you good luck!

February 2014 raffle calendar

November 2013 Newsletter

It’s so scary… One day before November begins and the parish newsletter is complete, mailed, and posted. Our newsletter for November reflects on the end times (should we be scared?), remembering our dearly departed, the great saints who gave us strong examples of faith, thanks-giving — that and more all in our new newsletter. Check it out, stay informed and see our action packed schedule. You may view and download a copy right here — November 2013 Newsletter.


Craft Fair Thank You

Thank you so much to all who patronized, donated to, supported, worked at, baked for, organized, and sold crafts at our first craft fair in many years. It as a wonderful success!!! The funds raised support our youth programs, charitable outreach, and the work we do in the name of Jesus.

Thank you to the Rotterdam Senior Citizens Center for allowing use of their facility. Thank you to Stephanie & Bob; Gayle, John, and Becky; Larry & Donna; Liz; Carol and Eileen; Renee, Adam, and Victoria; Claudia & Ed; Kelly; Derek; Pearl; and everyone for your work and donations. Our vendors were a special blessing:

Donna Christianson — Pampered Chef, Cindy Friedman from PartyLite, Jim Billa — Floral Designs, Dian Babin — Cruisin Creations, Sandra Nguyen — Chunkey Funk, Christine Urschell — Mary Kay, Lawrence Demarco — Cecilia Bella, Erin Zoellner — Bath Fitter, Amanda Allen of Veritas Vegan Organics, and Talin Rutan — Unikue Costume Jewelry

Reflection for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time and Youth Sunday


Lord, what about

Jesus passed through towns and villages, teaching as he went and making his way to Jerusalem.

People were asking Jesus a lot of questions as He made His way to Jerusalem. They questioned their future. They wanted assurance about their future as a nation and as individuals. It is a question we have all asked – ‘what about me?’

We all want to be sure. The youth in our midst, in our families and in our community are asking that very question.
Jesus wasn’t giving easy assurances. He is God and God cannot help but be honest. He told them: “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.”

Jesus was telling them and is telling us that our future is dependent on our aligning ourselves with God’s will and God’s way. He is saying that it takes work, commitment, dedication, faithfulness, and often treading the rocky narrow path.

Our young people will be returning to school in the weeks ahead, and some are already off to college. As they return they will be facing those tough roads. They either have, or will come to realize that school takes work, commitment, dedication, and faithfulness.

The question before us this Youth Sunday is whether we are equipping our youth with the commitment, dedication, and faithfulness needed to reach eternal life. Are we bringing them to Jesus, training them in God’s will and God’s way, and making them strong enough to enter through the narrow gate?

Young people have a deep-seated desire to know God. They wonder what He is all about. They hear His call faintly, and they thirst for Him. They want the water that will quench their thirst, water the world cannot offer. They instinctively know that there is a way that leads to inner peace and a contentment that lasts forever. They wish to align themselves with the One who offers that way – but who is it? Where is it? Where can they find the assurance that will secure their future?

We cannot spend Youth Sunday simply praising our youth. We have to resolve to do our very best to help them enter through the narrow gate, and be strong enough. They are asking the question – maybe unspoken, maybe without even consciously knowing it – but yearning. Their hearts and souls seek Jesus. They ask – ‘what about me?’ We must take action and show them the way, not just by pointing, but by taking them by the hand as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends. Showing them – This is the way to go.

Upcoming local and national events – let’s go!!!

What Matters to Girls

The Schenectady League of Women Voters is hosting the Working Group on Girls Community Forum, “What Matters to Girls” on Wednesday, May 22nd at 7pm at the 1st Reformed Church, 8 North Church St., Schenectady NY. The Forum is dedicated to empowering middle and high school girls and will provide information on Girl’s Day Out and Girl’s Circles programs for student participants and adult volunteers. Topics will include increasing self esteem, making healthy choices, valuing education, and expanding girl’s vision of the future.

Connecting Faith-Based Groups with the Affordable Care Act: What You Need to Know about Changes in Health Insurance for Your Members

Congressman Paul Tonko is hosting a workshop on Connecting Faith-Based Groups with the Affordable Care Acton Wednesday, May 29th at The Crossings of Colonie, 580 Albany Shaker Rd., Loudonville, NY from 1—3pm. The focus of the workshop will be on providing up-to-date information on federal health insurance programs available to members of Faith-Based organizations. Representatives from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Region II U.S. Department of Health & Human Services will be available to provide information and resources that can help make it easier to understand health insurance options.

Medicare (health insurance for people 65 and older or with long- term disability or end-stage renal disease), Medicaid (health insurance for people with limited income), and new options for expansion of health insurance that will soon be available under the Affordable Care Act will be discussed.

You may pre-register online or by calling 518-465-0700.

Youth Forum

Schenectady Youth Boxing & Fitness is sponsoring a Youth Forum on June 13th, 10am-12pm at the Fenimore Gallery at Proctors Theater, 432 State St., Schenectady, NY. The forum includes a roundtable discussion with members from community youth focused programs with a focus on sharing goals and information as well as information on upcoming summer plans. A light lunch and opportunities for networking will follow. For more information please contact Schenectady Youth Boxing & Fitness or Judy Decker by E-mail.

2013 Kurs Youth Encampment

The 2013 Kurs Youth Encampment sponsored by the Young Men’s Society of the Resurrection of the Polish National Catholic Church will be held from June 29th through July 6th at the Bishop Hodur Retreat & Recreation Center, 596 Honesdale Road, Waymart, PA. This is by far the best summer youth event anywhere. Our young people are encouraged to attend as well as to invite friends and parishioners for a summer event that builds up faith and friendships that last a lifetime.

Click on the links below for further information and forms:

National United Choirs 2013 Music Workshop

The National United Choirs Click here for details and a registration form.

Polish National Union Trip to Poland

The Polish National Union (Spójnia) is sponsoring a trip to Poland in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish in Żarki (Libiąż) Poland, the birthplace of Bishop Francis Hodur. The parish was built through the generosity of members of the Polish National Union. The trip will run from September 18th through 25th and includes tours of southern Polsnd including noted attrations in Kraków, Zakopane, and Żarki. For details please see the current issue of Straż. Reservations are due by June 10th.