“Souper Bowl” Sunday, February 7th

“Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat” — Souper Bowl of Caring founding prayer.

Even though this has become a “national” holiday in our American tradition, it has also become a kind of tradition in our parish as well. Our youth asks us to participate in this important way again this year: to consider a donation for the “Souper Bowl”.

This is a national effort wherein funds are collected and given to local agencies to help in some type of relief. A “soup pot” will be available this Sunday for your loose change, folding money, or even canned goods.

Thanks in advance for your consideration and help!

Caring for God’s creation

Our Parish family came together to assist Hannah Bilinski in her Scouting project. Her work and the Parish’s generosity are on display at the Spring Farm CARES website.

Food and homemade flannel blankets were delivered to Spring Farm CARES a not-for-profit organization that goes well beyond the typical definition of a shelter or animal resure organization. They are the world’s first “public center for animal communication.”

Project Heifer – help us buy an ark

On Sunday, November 15th, we ask for your support to complete a project of the National United Youth Association.

Our parish generously contributed to the “Project to assist Heifer International” last year. Given the response from across the Church, we came up about $2,200 short of the $5,000 needed to purchase an ark of animals.

Therefore, on 11/15, the youth of our parish will be holding a BAKE SALE for this purpose. With these combined funds we will help the NUYA pursue the goal of helping a village somewhere on our planet to attain self-sufficiency. Please mark this on your calendar and plan your support!


Annual Youth Workers Seminar — Sunday, April 26th

The annual Youth Workers Seminar is scheduled for next Sunday, April 26th, at the Joseph Zaloga American Legion Post in Albany. The scope has changed this year – we shall focus on Bible study and how we may better communicate God’s word to students. This year’s speaker is Dave Ambrose. Dave was actually the first speaker to be present when we had taken on the responsibility of hosting this event. Dave is a featured speaker for Youth Specialties One Day series.

Youth workers from all around our area have already registered for this event. If you would like to help out, please let Father Stan know. You don’t have to stay the whole afternoon; help at the beginning of our time together, during dinner (around 5:30, and clean-up are the times when help is most needed). Thanks for whatever help you can give to the youth workers in our area!

YS One Day - Focused Youth Ministry Training